Village Brush Collection
Pick up will be the week of May 13th. We apologize for not publishing in the Newsletter 

Zoning Board of Appeals


The Zoning Board of Apeals meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm, as needed.

Board Members:

Kimberly Gebo, Chairperson 1/2022
Brad Hall- 12/2021
Mark Wollschleger- 12/2021
Don Bowe- 5/2022

Bryan Bricco- 1/2020 
Christel Daggett, Secretary



October- draft not approved





The ZBA contains 5 members plus one alternate, all appointed by the Mayor. They are not a legislative body, but are a quasi-judicial body given specific authority by the State. They must follow specific procedural requirements contained in Village and General Municipal Law.


Upcoming Meetings:

March 28th, 2024
Town Hall
A Public hearing will be held at 7:00 P.M, Thursday, March 28th, at the Town Hall located at 99 Main Street Bloomfield, New York. This hearing will be conducted by the Zoning Board of Appeals, for the Village of Bloomfield. Area Variance BV1-24, property located at 48 State Street, in the Village of Bloomfield Owner Tracy Wilkins Tax Map# 67.19-1-68.100 is applying for an Area Variance to erect a 24 x 24 Garage 7.5 ft. from the rear lot line where 15 ft is required and 5 ft. from the side where 10 ft is required. Anyone interested in this hearing is welcome to attend and express opinions at that time.